High Five for Friday

Five For Friday 4.18

Good Friday Everyone!!–A little Easter humor on this lovely Friday. Can you believe that it’s once again Friday? Last Friday seems like eons ago to me, but that’s probably because I’ve worked the last 11 days straight with no day off. Luckily, I have a three day weekend to look forward to!

Once again, I’m linking up for Five for Friday!

  1. I finally have a day off! I know that I’ll need to catch up on those chores that always build up over the week, but I’m also planning on shopping for furniture, looking for a dress, and treating Friday as my Saturday because…
  1. We’re going to a wedding on Saturday!! My good friend, my former roommate and one of my dear sorority sisters is getting married! I love weddings and I can’t wait to celebrate Taylor and Byron’s marriage!!
  1. Now that my major spring fundraiser is out of the way, I might actually be able to have a minute or two to catch my breath at work. I feel like I’ve been running around like a crazy person for the last month, so I’m really excited to start learning about the other aspects of my job and being able to work reasonable hours.
  1. For the first time in FOREVER I was able to watch two of my favorite shows live—Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal. Seriously, Scandal is one of the GREATEST shows on TV right now. I love Kerry Washington and I love the powerful woman she plays, Olivia Pope. She has inspired me to wear elbow length gloves and drink more red wine—and who doesn’t need more red wine?Scandal
  • Side note: Who saw Game of Thrones this week?? I’ve been waiting for this episode since season 2!
  1. It’s Easter Weekend! Enjoy time spent with your family, chocolate eggs, and time spent being thankful for the sacrifice that was made on Good Friday. Happy Easter weekend everyone!


–Mrs. Dominico

For more Five for Friday check out Lauren Elizabeth and The Good Life blog!

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