High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 5.30

Once again I’m linking up with A. Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmHello! Happiness and Lauren Elizabeth for 5 for Friday!

Happy Friday friends! I hope you’ve enjoyed this short week (if you had Monday off) and that you were able to enjoy the long weekend!

  1. We moved into our house!!! The unpacking is probably 50% completed and we’ve started to purchase new pieces to fill out our house and started the decorating process. We are so incredibly excited and proud to be homeowners! I can’t wait to share more pictures with you as the house starts to look more like a home and less like a natural disaster site.


  1. Josh and I went furniture shopping on Memorial Day at a local consignment shop. I wasn’t really expecting to buy anything, but we found several pieces that we loved! We got a dining room table and a set of chairs, a sideboard, a decorative mirror to hang above the sideboard, and a GORGEOUS desk for Josh! We got everything for the price of what the desk alone would have cost at a regular furniture store. We will definitely be making regular visits to the store to see new items.


  1. The cats have adjusted pretty well to their new home. At first it seemed that they spent all of their time under our couch when we weren’t home, but now they’ve really taken to exploring their new castle.New Furniture (5 of 9)

Simon has found a rather peculiar place to lounge.2014-05-27 17.22.38

And I taught Eloise to read. She’s starting small, reading mostly magazines and her cat food labels but she’s doing it. Her new found ability has created a little tension since she’s hogging my Cosmo and wants to be fed purely organic, free range fresh meat after reading about bi-product meal used in most cat foods. I tried to explain that her food is organic and has no fillers, but she’s kind of a diva and refuses to listen to me.2014-05-09 19.32.14


  1. One of my oldest friends is getting married on Saturday! I am so excited for both the bride and groom and can’t wait to celebrate their love and commitment to each other this weekend! Congratulations Elissa and Sam!

Sam and Elissa

  1. I am OBSESSED with Jaclyn Hill, a beauty vlogger on YouTube. She is a professional make-up artist who does makeup and hair tutorials, but she’s also hilarious and just has this huge personality that I love! I’ve been binge watching her videos and picking up some new products that I want to try and will share with you here. Check her out if you’re into makeup and skin care! Jaclyn Hill


I hope you’re looking forward to your weekend! Any advice on home decorating or owning a home, please let me know!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Wedding and Marriage

Deciding Who to Invite to Your Wedding

I know I’m the worst blogger. It’s been over 2 weeks since I’ve posted regularly throughout the week, but this whole buying a house thing was a little trickier than I thought it would be. I promise I’ll be back more regularly!


In my post about not caring about my wedding, I told you why my upcoming marriage was more important to me than basically every other detail of our wedding. I failed to mention my obsession with our guest list and seating assignment.

As Josh and I began planning our wedding, one of the first things we did was to create a “rough” draft of our guest list. We knew the people we had to invite and the people we wanted to invite, plus the people our families would want to invite.

We nailed down our reception venue very early on in our planning, so we had our maximum number of guests that we could fit in the hall for a seated dinner—180, not including the wedding party who would be seated on a raised stage and not on the hall floor.

180 people sounds like a lot, but when you’re combining 2 families, those 180 seats fill up fast. We asked both of our parents to come up with a guest list and we sat down to make our own official guest list. As previously mentioned on the blog, I was in a sorority with around 140 members—and yes I wanted to invite a good many of them. We first listed our family members, then our church families, then my sorority sisters, then listed our high school friends and came up with around 100 people very quickly.

Then we got our parents’ lists which were equally lengthy and we realized we had a big problem. While we did have some overlap in the lists, there were still too many people on the combined lists. We had around 250 people that “needed” to be invited to a reception that could only seat 180.

I immediately started panicking—my mantra became “Everyone needs a seat. Everyone needs a seat.” I was a little obsessive in my need for people to have a seat at a table, but I wanted to make sure my guests had the best time ever. I became really overwhelmed by the idea that none of my friends would be able to see me get married because we had to invite a third cousin I’d never met or someone’s coworker that wasn’t even liked or the neighbor across the street that walked the dogs that one time 7 years ago.

My parents were very graciously paying for our wedding and I just didn’t feel like I could tell them “no” about inviting anyone even if I didn’t even know this person—“They were at our wedding” (22 years ago) is not a good reason to invite someone to my wedding—or care if they were there to witness the happiest day of my life. Luckily for me, someone with authority stepped in to save the day.

My father is a reasonable, logical man and could understand my anxiety and helped to rein in my mother from inviting everyone with even a 25% gene match to me. He said “This is their day, their wedding, their party.” His solution: We have 180 guest slots and 3 parties with a vested interest into who makes the list—Josh and myself, my parents, and Josh’s parents. Since it’s our day, we should get rights to half of the invites (90 guests) and the other half should be equally divided between the two families.

This made sure that both sets of parents trimmed the fat on who they wanted to invite and ensured that the people Josh and I really wanted there would be invited.  This was still a tough process for the families as the “we HAVE to invite them” mentality is very strong for an occasion like a wedding.

Fast forward to sending out our invitations and we still ended up inviting over 200 people with our fingers crossed that people wouldn’t be able to come. Our luck happened to be that everyone we “knew” wouldn’t travel to our wedding, did in fact RSVP that they were coming. Luckily, I was so focused on finals, graduating, and looking for a job that I didn’t have time to freak out about it and it turned out to be fine anyway!

Making Your Wedding Guest List

As you prepare your guest list, take a look at this nifty little graphic to help you decide who should get an honored place on your guest list.Wedding Guest List

What about the Rehearsal Dinner?

The rule of thumb for who to invite to the rehearsal dinner is to invite anyone who is going to be a part of the ceremony, such as:

-Immediate Family

-Wedding Party and their dates

-The Officiant and their spouse

-The Music Director and their spouse

-Any special musical acts or readers and their spouse

And this is where it can get tricky:

-Out of Town (state) Guests

If you have guests who are traveling from out of state to attend your wedding and they will be in town the night before, it is customary and polite to invite them to the rehearsal dinner. These guests are really making an effort and probably spending a little more money to attend your wedding, so it’s nice to honor them in this way.

Almost all our family were from out of state, so our rehearsal dinner invite list was pretty long but it made for a great pre-wedding party and helped us spend a little extra time with these guests.

I hope this helps you get started on the excruciating process of creating your wedding guest list. Remember this is your day and you want to spend it with the people you’re closest to, so stand your ground and make sure your people make the cut!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin


Grocery Shopping

Funday Monday

I’m linking up with Molly from StillBeingMolly.com and Carly from LipglossandCrayons.com for Funday Monday!

*Josh and I are moved into our new house and we couldn’t be more excited! I promise I will be back to posting a couple of times a week and will be sure to give you an update (with pics) about the house ASAP!


When you’re living at home or being supported by your parents there are so many different things that one can take for granted.

The fact that there is always toilet paper in the house. The fact that when you go to do laundry (hopefully you’re doing your own laundry, because if you’re over the age of 10 you should be equipped enough to do your own laundry), there’s laundry detergent and fabric softener. The fact that there’s a cabinet full of various medications to soothe aching heads, runny noses, and scraped knees (because you fell walking in your heels down the stairs). The fact that when you open the fridge or pantry there’s (normally) something at least close to edible in there, or the fact that dinner will be served at 6:30pm, regardless of what time you get home from wherever. And the biggest thing we take for granted is the source of all of those other things—someone is doing the grocery shopping.

Grocery shopping is one of those things, similar to house hunting, which makes you feel pretty cool when you start out. You’re at college, on your own for the first time! You can buy literally whatever you want and no one is there to say no. You can fill your cart with Diet coke, powdered donuts, chips, Oreos, peanut butter, brownie mix and frosting, Greek yogurt and maybe even some fruit, because after all you are on kind of a diet—I mean Spring Break will be here before you know it. Toss some Lean Cuisines and some Ramen noodles in there and I mean, that’s grocery shopping. Ever wonder why the food tastes SOOO good when you come home for break? Yeah, it’s because Mom is usually a little pickier when it comes to what goes into her cart.

That may have worked in undergrad because you were probably a stone’s throw from a Moe’s, Chick Fil A, that hibachi restaurant that has BOGO sushi rolls, or the Mexican place that had $4 fishbowl margaritas and $1 tacos on Tuesdays and Fridays. Or was that just me?

Anyway, when you get married or move out on your own, and you can’t rely on that money from Mom and Dad every month to buy food, you need to get a little thriftier. Plus you probably no longer have access to a free gym that was included in your tuition AND you’re working 8-5 so you’re probably too tired to run 12 miles like you used to anyway.

One of the more tedious aspects of being a wife and grownup is grocery shopping. Unlike when you were in college, you really need to have an idea about what you’re going to buy and how you’re going to use it/make it last the whole week before you walk through those doors.

When we were first married, we spent a RIDICULOUS amount of money on groceries—like $400 for TWO people. Granted that was only $100 a week, but that was on top of the $150-$200 we spent on going out to eat. So we would spend around $600 per month on food. I love to cook and wanted to make a different meal every night with all fresh ingredients and that adds up. I needed to think smarter about what we were eating, the ingredients I was using, and making better use of leftovers.

So every month, we would set our grocery and dining out budgets based on our total monthly budget and what we spent the previous month.  On Saturday I would start meal planning for the week by taking a look at our schedules, what we already had in the pantry/freezer, what was on sale at the grocery store, and the recipes I wanted to try out that week. I used a template, like this one, to plan the meals*.

I like this one because it has a grocery list attached
I like this one because it has a grocery list attached

A typical weekly menu looked like this:

  • Sunday- Italian Drunken Noodles
  • Monday- Fish Tacos
  • Tuesday-Leftovers
  • Wednesday- Tomato and Basil Bisque with Grilled Cheese
  • Thursday-Leftovers or Breakfast
  • Friday-Out to Eat or homemade pizza
  • Saturday-Leftovers

* I posted a meal planning post here

Once I had an idea of what I was going to cook for dinner, I looked through the pantry and freezer to check for recipe ingredients. Whatever we didn’t have, I wrote down on our list. Then I took stock of what basics we needed, like milk, cereal, bread, eggs, toilet paper and paper towels. I asked Josh what he needed for lunches—normally deli meat and cheese, yogurt, fruit, and granola bars—and added those the list. And after looking at what was on sale at the store, I would add items like ice cream or English muffins or bagels—things we didn’t necessarily need but we would eat.

Once I had my complete list, I did something that is incredibly OCD but I think saved us a lot of time—I put my list in order by the aisles we would go through at the store. All the produce went first, then anything from the bakery or deli, then fish and meats, then cereal, etc. until we hit the last aisle which was bread and dairy. If you were wondering why I was so excited about the grocery store map from this post, I’m sure it’s sinking in for you now.

Be conscious of what you’re buying—are you going to use it before it goes bad and do you really need it? Sticking to your shopping list will help you stick to your budget and keep you from being surprised at check out.

I hope this helps you tackle the monster that is grocery shopping. It’s a chore that we all have to do, but it doesn’t have to be unending and unbearable if you’ve prepared ahead of time.

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin


Homemade Pizza

Josh and I are crazy about pizza and one of our favorite Friday night meals is homemade pizza. We try to buy fresh pizza dough from the grocery deli when it’s on sale and keep a few balls of dough stocked in the freezer.

Making pizza is incredibly easy, once you’ve taken care of the dough, and it tastes delicious when you can easily add all the toppings you want, without having to pay a surcharge.

Last Friday we made a margherita pizza and a half cheese-half meat pizza.

To make a basic pizza you need these ingredients:

-Pizza Dough

-Tomato Sauce–you’re favorite red pasta sauce will do just fine.

-Shredded mozzarella cheese

-Your toppings

-Some Italian Seasoning and Olive Oil to season your crust

A Margherita Pizza is just tomato sauce, slices of fresh mozzarella cheese and some fresh basil.Homemade Pizza (1 of 3)Homemade Pizza (2 of 3)

For the other pizza, we just tossed on some shredded mozzarella cheese and some Italian cheese blend. Then added some hot Italian sausage, pepperoni, and some green peppers we had in the fridge, plus more cheese.Homemade Pizza (3 of 3)We bake our pizzas at 450° for about 20-25 minutes, or until the cheese is just starting to bubble and the crust is crisp and brown.

We made these pizzas on pizza pans, but we normally use our pizza stone (which is in storage). Using a pizza stone ensures that you get a really crisp crust because you heat the stone up in the oven before you put the pizza on it.

The dough almost gets flash cooked from the heat of the stone, creating that crispy crust we all love. Then the heat of the oven cooks the rest of the dough, melts the cheese, and generally makes everything delicious–so you wind up with crisp, crunchy crust on the outside and warm fluffy dough on the inside.

Pizza is really fun to make and you can make it 100 different ways depending on what you’re in the mood for or what you have in your fridge.

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin


High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 5.9

Every time I sit down to write a Friday post all I want to do is scream-sing “Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!” Is that not the worst???!!  Bless Rebecca Black’s little heart.


Once again I’m linking up with A. Liz Adventures, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness and Lauren Elizabeth for 5 for Friday!


  1. The bedding I ordered from Pottery Barn arrived over the weekend and I love it! It just looks very neutral and very calming which is exactly what I want for our master bedroom in the new house. I think we also picked our paint color— Behr’s Clair De Lune. We went more towards the sandy/beige color to compliment the blue in the bedding and also the taupe color of our bathroom. Apparently a love for this color is in my blood—my parents’ bathroom in my childhood home was painted this color.Clair De Lune
  2. We are less than a week away from closing on our house! I can’t believe that after months of searching and saving, Josh and I are going to be homeowners. I never would have thought that we would have been able to buy a house before our first wedding anniversary, but thanks to some strategic budgeting, the saving grace of living with my parents for the past few months and just an overall blessing from God, our dream is very quickly becoming a reality.Closing!
  3. Last weekend I realized how incredibly out of shape I am. Josh and I went to Hanging Rock and decided to hike to the “summit” which was only 1.3 miles to the top. I’ve been logging in at least 3.5 miles every time I hit the gym, so I figured it wouldn’t be a problem. How wrong I was. We kept a pretty quick pace, thanks to the group of high school girls and boy scouts that essentially chased us up the mountain, but Lord have mercy was I panting and cursing Josh under my breath. It was absolutely gorgeous up there (dimmed only by the fact that there were like a dozen toddlers up there driving home the fact that I have less physical stamina than a 4 year old) and I was really glad that I agreed to go. I’m excited to hike another trail soon!
  4. I sat down the other day and came up with an editorial calendar for blog posts from now until June 30th. My goal is to stick to posting 3 times a week and I think the schedule I created is definitely going to help! I found this cute download on Seven Thirty Three, which I used to write out my blogging schedule. I love to plan and when you have something cute to plan on, it makes it just that much easier to sit down and do it!Calendar
  5. Sunday is Mother’s Day. I don’t know where I’d be without my mom. So many of the wonderful things I’ve done are due to the strength and faith that she’s shown me my entire life. I will never be able to repay the sacrifices that she’s made or the things that she’s done for me. Mom, I love you with my whole heart and I’m so very grateful that God blessed me with you as an example of what a woman should be.Mom and Me


I hope you’ve all had a wonderful week and have a wonderful weekend planned. Now go hug your mama!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Wedding and Marriage

10 Things I Wish I Had Known About Living with a Man, Before I was Married

Josh and I dated for almost 6 years before we tied the knot last June. I was so thrilled about being Josh’s wife and moving into our own place together and doing the married thing that I never stopped to really think about what that meant. We were going to be living together in our own apartment by ourselves away from all our family and friends.

Here’s what I wish I’d known and what I’ve learned since then.

10 Things

  1. They will eat all the ice cream

It doesn’t matter how many gallons are on sale and stocked in your freezer, you will get one scoop and the rest will disappear into thin air and the several ice cream stained bowls that crowd the game machine have nothing to do with your husband eating it all after you go to bed at night.

  1. They don’t know how to clean sinks

They will shave their little faces in your shared sink and then not clean those weird beard hairs out of the sink or around the sink’s general area. It’s simply a task that is physically impossible for them. Fortunately some cats have been known to nap and spend time in sinks so the hair may eventually leave the sink and wind up on the floor.

  1. If they’re not listening to you, they’re probably playing a video game

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to seduce him or trying to tell him the roof is caving in—he’s not going to hear anything you say until his tank has blown up all the enemy tanks or captured the flag or whatever.

  1. They don’t know how to use a dishwasher

They’re intelligent enough to assume that the dishwasher’s function is to wash dishes, but the fact that the dishes have to be inside the dishwasher and not in the sink or stacked on the desk somehow eludes them.

  1. “In a minute” is no longer a standard measure of time

Probably due to reason #3, taking the garbage out, cleaning the dishes, scooping the litter box, coming to bed and any other number of chores will be met with this strange new time measurement scale which does not, in fact, mean 60 seconds after he responds. It could be any amount of time between right now and whenever you get around to asking again and the process may repeat itself until you threaten life and limb.

  1. They need space in the dresser and closet

They may only own 7 t-shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 10 polos, 6 pairs of dress pants, 3 pairs of shorts, and 8 undershirts but they will bring an entire drawer full of socks and underwear so they don’t have to do laundry for at least 2 weeks. And those items take up space, so you’ll have to squeeze your small collection of purses, shoes, scarves, blouses, sweaters, cardigans, jackets, coats, sun dresses, cocktail dresses, formal wear and your 75 t-shirts and 6 pairs of Norts into less drawers and less hanging space in the closet.

  1. Recipes, instruction manuals, directions, etc. don’t really need to be followed

Instructions are really just someone else’s way of telling them they’re less of a man if they can’t figure out how to make risotto or build a media center with over 200 separate parts on their own. At most it’s a brief overview of what they already know, meant only to be skimmed over and then immediately placed into the trash.

  1. The shingles virus can be stress induced

According to medical professionals, shingles can be induced by stress even at the age of 21. This stress can come from work, money problems, or an unhappy wife who would rather live anywhere else other than Florida and has been bottling those feelings up for the last several months. Who knew?

  1. “I’m fine” is a legitimate feeling that people actually have

Being “fine” is an actual emotion that most people feel meaning “I’m doing ok and there’s nothing in the world that bothers me”. It is not, in fact, what most women have been using for years to mean “I will scratch your eyes out if you come within grabbing distance.”

10.  Being subtle is a waste of time

Going along with #9, men do not get the beautiful subtly that women spend years mastering. If you want a Kate Spade purse for Christmas, you are wasting your time dropping hints about how nice it looks, or how it would complement everything in your wardrobe, or pinning it to the “Dream Closet” board of your Pinterest. If you really want that Kate Spade bag, your best bet is to drag him into the store, point to the bag, and say “That’s what you’re getting me for Christmas, now pull out the Amex.” You don’t really like surprises anyway.

Now that I’ve said all that-

10 things learned

  1. They will try really hard to cook something edible

Even though instructions are for pansies, they will try really hard to cook something delicious for you when you don’t feel like cooking or don’t feel well. Josh is the master of grilled cheese and pancakes at our house.

  1. They will attempt to fix every problem you have (even if you can fix it yourself)

It’s pretty endearing (even if it’s slightly annoying) that they will want to fix every problem you have. They love you and have this almost instinctual need to protect you and keep you happy, so the fact that they are willing to spend time strategizing how to “fix” all your problems is pretty nice.

  1. They’ll help you fold the laundry

If you ask nicely and all the tanks have been blown up, they make folding the laundry twice as fast.

  1. They can carry all the groceries into the house in one trip (so help them God)

You may have a trunk full of groceries, but you’ll only need to make one trip up the stairs or they can’t call themselves men.

  1. There’s someone else to clean the toilet

They may not know how to clean sinks or wash dishes, but putting some stuff inside the toilet and then swishing it around with a giant toothbrush thing is something they can handle well.

  1. They will finally let you dress them

Because you now have the power to throw away those heinous cargo shorts, they will be forced to let you pick out new shorts or wear jeans all summer.

  1. (On a good day) They will take the “Honey Do” list as a personal challenge to finish

10 things need to get done in the 2 hours you’ll be gone? Challenge accepted. It’s like a video game where you earn more than meaningless gold coins.

  1. They will eat the food you make that isn’t very good and they’ll love it

If left to their own devices, cereal and ham sandwiches would serve as breakfast, lunch and dinner, so anything hot that they didn’t have to make themselves will automatically be the best thing they’ve ever eaten.

  1. The bed will always be warm, even in the middle of winter

Men are like personal furnaces, so you don’t have to worry about frozen feet and frigid sheets anymore.

10. When you mentally and emotionally break down, there’s someone to help you pick up the pieces 

When you collapse in on yourself like a dying star because you’re stressed at work, the house is a mess, you forgot to defrost chicken for dinner, you decided you don’t look good with bangs, you broke a nail, and you live in Florida, there is someone to pick you up, tell you that you’re not a complete failure and they’ll remind you of how incredible you actually are– then promise to look for a way out of Florida and actually keep that promise.

I hope this sheds some light on what it’s like to live with a man for any of you single women who are thinking about moving in with a man or actually marrying one. It’s really not all that bad, as long as you remind them to shower.

–Mrs. Dominico

I’m a little late, but I’m linking up with Erica Jacquline for Listed Tuesdays!

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin


Meal Planning

Funday Monday

I’m linking up with Molly from StillBeingMolly.com and Carly from LipglossandCrayons.com for Funday Monday!

Since I’ve been married, I’ve developed a love for cooking. I love to try new recipes or to create my own dish with whatever’s on hand. I’ve spent hours on Pinterest looking for new meals and sweet treats to test on Josh, and I normally have good luck with them. I try very hard to stay away from box meals or frozen meals—though when I’m exhausted, I’m thankful I have them in the freezer or pantry. This love of cooking has helped me get into a weekly meal planning rhythm which really helps when it’s time to go grocery shopping.

Meal planning is a great way to help you stay on budget every month, if done correctly. Before you plan your meals for the week, you need to think about what you already have in your pantry, fridge and freezer, what’s on sale at the grocery store, and how much time you’ll have to cook during the week.

What do you already have?

I try to keep some staples in our house at all times.  I know that I use these items in lots of recipes and they can be used to make a quick meal when I just want something quick.

  • Various types of pasta
  • Pasta sauce
  • Ramen or Rice noodles
  • Rice
  • Salad dressing
  • Chicken broth
  • Garlic
  • Ground beef
  • Chicken breasts
  • Frozen stir fry vegetables
  • Frozen pizza dough (lots of grocery stores carry fresh pizza dough in the deli section, which can easily be frozen and thawed to use later.)
  • Eggs
  • Parmesan Cheese

You might also have leftovers from the previous week that you’d like to use up.

What’s on sale?

I always check our grocery store’s flyer which comes out every Thursday. It gives me an idea of what’s on sale that we might not normally buy—like Ahi tuna, salmon, pre-made kabobs—,what kinds of produce are on sale (because fresh produce is expensive), whether or not I can stock up on some of those staple items, and generally what’s going to be a good deal.

Note: I do not coupon—mainly because I haven’t had the time or patience to sit down and figure out how to coupon and partly because we didn’t have much room in our apartment kitchen for me to store many items we wouldn’t use right away. Now that we’re back within Harris Teeter realm, it’s possible that I might try to take advantage of their great coupon policy, but I’ll keep you updated.

How much time will you have to cook?

This is a huge factor in meal planning. Some of my favorite recipes are very time and labor intensive, so I know when we have lots on our plate for a particular evening, I’m better off cooking something easy and quick. Also, I know that on Wednesdays I tend to come home exhausted—it’s the middle of the week and I usually just need a break, so either Josh is in charge of dinner or we do something quick and easy. Then on the weekends, when I get home early from work or don’t have much to do in the evenings, I might make something that takes up a little more prep time and little more cook time.

Once you’ve figured out what you have, what’s on sale, and how much time you have to cook, you can commence with meal planning. I like to use a cute template like these two–Green one, Red and Blue one— to help me plan the meals and make my list.

I normally plan to cook 3-5 times a week, depending on our schedule and how many leftovers I anticipate on having. If I’m cooking something like a big pasta dish, like Italian Drunken Noodles, we may have enough leftovers to take to lunch and have again for dinner; however, when I make fish tacos, I’m only going to buy enough fish for dinner and maybe a lunch leftover for Josh, because fish is expensive.

I normally budget for 2 nights of leftovers through the week, with a possible 3rd leftover night which can be substituted with Breakfast for Dinner if there are no more leftovers. I also budget for us to go out to eat one night a week or over the weekend, because sometimes it’s nice to not have to cook. I give myself some flexibility with when I make a particular dinner or when we go out to eat, because I don’t know how I’ll feel after work or what might come up. I just like to get a menu down on paper for grocery shopping and so I feel like I know what we’re doing every night.

I’m also conscious of what foods need to be used first, like seafood or certain produce, so that it’s the freshest it can be when I cook it.

I hope this helps you with your meal planning! I’ll be posting a grocery shopping guide to pair with this meal planning post, so be on the lookout for that!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin


High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 5.2

It’s once again Friday which means it’s time for Five on Friday!!

  1. In anticipation of finally moving into our house, Josh and I picked out new bedding that I’m really excited about! It kind of freaks me out how excited I was to purchase a duvet and pillows, but I guess that’s all part of growing up—we start to like all that lame grownup stuff like picking out bedding.pottery barn
  2. It was my dad’s birthday yesterday and, him being the weirdo that he is, he wanted cherry cobbler instead of a birthday cake. As the resident baker in our family, I decided to make cherry cobbler from scratch and it was a hit! It turned out pretty good and there was definitely some licking of plates going on. I used this recipe here.Cherry Cobbler
  3. I work at a children’s museum and sometimes I can get really caught up in my work and I forget the reason I wanted to work there in the first place. I’m trying to get out on the floor more to remind myself why my job is so great!

    2014-04-29 10.36.11-2
    My planner is an Erin Condren Life Planner
  4. Josh and I have a pretty big weekend planned. We’re going hiking at Hanging Rock on Saturday and we’re going to start looking at different paint colors and a few other things for the house. The main focus when we first move will be to paint the master bedroom to coordinate with our new bedding! Pottery Barn has a paint line at Sherwin Williams that coordinates with a lot of their decor. I’m thinking a gray or sand/cream color. What do you think?Paint
  5. I’ve got quite a few blog posts drafted that I’m really excited to share with you. My new goal with the blog is to post 3 times a week, so I don’t get burned out and so you don’t get sick of me blowing up your feed. I’m excited to grow this blog and share more with you as I navigate marriage, home ownership and all the other “grown up” things that pop up along the way.

I hope you’ve had a great week and have an exciting or relaxing weekend ahead of you! Thanks for stopping by!

–Mrs. Dominico

For more Five for Friday check out Lauren Elizabeth and The Good Life blog!

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