
About Rachel

I’m a 25 year old wife and mother working in municipal government. Let’s dissect that a little:

I’m a wife, specifically the wife of Josh, a mechanical engineer. We met in high school where Josh very quickly became my best friend and I vowed to never live without him. As my senior yearbook would reveal to you, Josh seemed pretty confident we would break up (thanks babe), but as evident by my above title of “wife”, we didn’t. We both went to college at NC State where he obviously studied to be an engineer and I studied how to graduate without going to class. Unfortunately I did in fact have to go to class and after four years, I graduated with a bachelor’s in psychology and a bachelor’s in public relations–I know, I went a little double or nothing when it came to my education.  While at NC State, I rushed and joined Chi Omega and proceeded to have the most fun time while dragging Josh along for the ride. After graduating we got married (which you can read all about here) and moved to Florida where we lived for 6 months before we moved right back to our hometown of Winston Salem, NC (you can read about that here).

After 3 years of marriage (and I mean RIGHT after 3 years of marriage–Wedding: 6/15/13) we welcomed our beautiful baby girl Norah Leigh on June 16, 2016 (6/16/16) making me a mother. Being a mother is something I have always dreamed about and while the reality is quite a bit different from the dream, I am head over heels for this little girl. She has given my life a purpose and meaning that I didn’t realize I was looking for or needed.

I work in municipal government as the Communication Specialist for the town of Lewisville, NC where I grew up. It isn’t the glamorous PR life I thought I would lead when I, on a whim, decided to study PR, but it is rewarding and satisfying in a way that I was craving for a long time. I have spent time in the world of non-profit development (fundraising) and marketing and then did a stint as a professional child wrangler as the director of an after school program for elementary school children before landing in government. While I think I imagined working in government as an Olivia Pope-esque role, it’s actually a lot more like Parks and Rec which is probably best for my health and safety.

We also have a dog, Penny, and two cats, Simon and Eloise which took up the bulk of my Instagram feed (along with food) before the birth of my child.

While my life isn’t the most exciting, it is normal and really that’s what I’m going for right now. Normal everyday life is something I really think seems to be lacking in our newsfeeds these days. So even though you didn’t really ask for it, you’re welcome for your dose of normal.
Rachel-The Unfinished Mrs.


4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Rachel! Just found your blog as it popped up as a suggestion on my Reader! Love it, your writing is so funny, honest and engaging. I know what you mean by people thinking you got married so young, I got married with 25 and people still couldn’t believe it. Looking forward to reading more!

    1. Nina, Thanks for stopping by!! It’s definitely not the norm anymore to get married as early as we did, but when you know you’ve found the one, why wait?!

  2. Hello from a fellow NC blogger (and self-proclaimed cat lady.) 🙂 I found your blog through a Five on Friday link-up. Look forward to following along!

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