New Adventures

They Said They Needed Some Help on the Farm

For the past five days Josh and I have been farm-sitting. Yes, a farm with animals for you out there who are laughing at the idea of me being on a farm.

We were approached by a family at our church to house-sit for a week while they were out of town. The house just happens to be on about 30 acres and comes with several animals. There are two horses, more than a dozen chickens, three barn cats, three dogs, three rabbits and a hamster.2014-03-10 17.30.08

I love animals and always “wanted” a farm. We were a little nervous about all the chores we would have to do, but after a trial run with the family still present we were really excited!

Every morning around sun up, we wake up and get the animals ready for the day. First, we feed the three dogs-Comet, Stormy, and Lightning. Each dog eats in his own little area, so we go to their designated area, wait for them to sit patiently and then we give them their breakfast.

Next we head down to the barn to handle the farm animals. I let the chickens out of the coop, shoo them out into the yard and collect the eggs. We check their food and water and refill as needed.

We then enter the barn to feed the three barn cats-Ranger, Wrenley and Peaches. The cats, surprisingly, seem to leave the chickens to their own devices and the chickens, to their credit, show no fear around the cats.

Then it’s up to the hay loft to toss down some hay for the two horses, Glaze and Thunderbolt.

Finally, it’s back up to the house to feed the  three rabbits, Thumper, Pippin, and Sophia, and to wash the collected eggs. The only thing we do at night is close the chickens into their coop to prevent any unwanted nighttime visitors.

It only takes us about 20 minutes to feed everyone, including time to dawdle and admire the animals. It’s been a lot of fun so far, with the exception of a few minor problems that I’ll get into tomorrow.

Wish us luck for the remainder of our stay!

–Mrs. Dominico

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