High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 5.9

Every time I sit down to write a Friday post all I want to do is scream-sing “Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!” Is that not the worst???!!  Bless Rebecca Black’s little heart.


Once again I’m linking up with A. Liz Adventures, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness and Lauren Elizabeth for 5 for Friday!


  1. The bedding I ordered from Pottery Barn arrived over the weekend and I love it! It just looks very neutral and very calming which is exactly what I want for our master bedroom in the new house. I think we also picked our paint color— Behr’s Clair De Lune. We went more towards the sandy/beige color to compliment the blue in the bedding and also the taupe color of our bathroom. Apparently a love for this color is in my blood—my parents’ bathroom in my childhood home was painted this color.Clair De Lune
  2. We are less than a week away from closing on our house! I can’t believe that after months of searching and saving, Josh and I are going to be homeowners. I never would have thought that we would have been able to buy a house before our first wedding anniversary, but thanks to some strategic budgeting, the saving grace of living with my parents for the past few months and just an overall blessing from God, our dream is very quickly becoming a reality.Closing!
  3. Last weekend I realized how incredibly out of shape I am. Josh and I went to Hanging Rock and decided to hike to the “summit” which was only 1.3 miles to the top. I’ve been logging in at least 3.5 miles every time I hit the gym, so I figured it wouldn’t be a problem. How wrong I was. We kept a pretty quick pace, thanks to the group of high school girls and boy scouts that essentially chased us up the mountain, but Lord have mercy was I panting and cursing Josh under my breath. It was absolutely gorgeous up there (dimmed only by the fact that there were like a dozen toddlers up there driving home the fact that I have less physical stamina than a 4 year old) and I was really glad that I agreed to go. I’m excited to hike another trail soon!
  4. I sat down the other day and came up with an editorial calendar for blog posts from now until June 30th. My goal is to stick to posting 3 times a week and I think the schedule I created is definitely going to help! I found this cute download on Seven Thirty Three, which I used to write out my blogging schedule. I love to plan and when you have something cute to plan on, it makes it just that much easier to sit down and do it!Calendar
  5. Sunday is Mother’s Day. I don’t know where I’d be without my mom. So many of the wonderful things I’ve done are due to the strength and faith that she’s shown me my entire life. I will never be able to repay the sacrifices that she’s made or the things that she’s done for me. Mom, I love you with my whole heart and I’m so very grateful that God blessed me with you as an example of what a woman should be.Mom and Me


I hope you’ve all had a wonderful week and have a wonderful weekend planned. Now go hug your mama!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday 3.28

Praise Jesus that it is once again Friday! I have been so incredibly busy at work that I haven’t even had the energy to come home and blog for the next day. I promise I’m trying to be better about regular posting. Really it’s pretty good therapy, so I’ve been missing out.

Once again I’m teaming up with a couple of other blogs for High Five for Friday. And after the week I’ve had, I’m glad to be ending on a high note.

They seriously love each other
They seriously love each other
  1. I worked so many hours this week, so I have today off! While working almost 40 hours in 4 days is not my favorite thing to do, having a day off to catch my breath and do some backlogged chores—and hopefully draft a few posts for next week, is pretty nice. And I get to spend the day with my furry little babies, Simon and Eloise.
  1. Josh took a business trip to Long Island this week and he was supposed to be gone Monday through Friday. Fortunately for me (unfortunately for his project) the part he was testing broke on Wednesday, so he came home early! 2014-03-26 13.34.40
  1. My sweet friend Sharon Bui, co-owner and creator of Frill, featured my blog post from Monday- 7 Tips for Wedding Guests, on Frill’s Facebook page! Frill makes the cutest sorority recruitment dresses and bridesmaids’ dresses!!
  1. I have run another 10 miles this week! Yes, I’ve returned to the gym twice this week to run 5 miles. I’m really proud of my progress so far and I’m hoping to pick up my pace and increase my distance. Screenshot 2014-03-28 09.47.30
  1. The weather looks like it’s finally warming up! While it looks like it’s going to rain this weekend, at lease there’s no chance of it freezing!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and are looking forward to the weekend and warmer weather!

For more Five for Friday check out The Small Things BlogLauren Elizabeth and The Good Life blog!

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin