High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 10.17

Friday could not have come soon enough! I hope you’re gearing up for the weekend!

I’m linking up with The Grits Blog and Lauren Elizabeth for this Friday’s post!

  1. Earlier this week I wrote about my first Pure Barre experience and since then I’ve attended a few other classes and I have to say, I think I’m getting a little addicted. The classes are so challenging and after a particularly shaky class yesterday, I woke up this morning with very minimal soreness. Shaking muscles really are changing muscles.nice shaking
  1. I am so excited to be heading to Raleigh this afternoon to see my sorority sisters! It has been too long since I’ve made the trip and I can’t wait to see everyone. Being in a sorority was one of the most amazing experiences in my life, so tonight I’m pretending it’s senior year all over again—with less bar hopping, I hope.
  1. After agonizing for over a month (more on that later), I finally found a planner for 2015! It’s from May Designs and it is so cute! If you’re in the market for a small, easy to carry and cute planner, I’d definitely recommend one of theirs.
  1. Is anyone a fan of American Horror Story? Josh and I have been watching since Season 1 and we are obsessed! If you read my Irrational Fears post, then you know I have a fear of clowns. And if you’re watching this season of AHS then you know the “villain” is a very scary clown. I’ve had 2 nightmares since the season started, but I’m hooked!AHSFreakShowPoster
  1. As I type this, I’m watching my puppy try desperately not to fall asleep. I snapped a pic for you, but it was on my phone so sorry it’s not very clear. She is so cute! I love getting to spend every morning with her!IMG_4180

Well Penny is begging for her morning walk, so it’s time for me to head outside. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 10.3

Happy Friday Everyone! I’m so excited to be back at blogging– I’ve missed you! I’m linking up with The Grits Blog and Lauren Elizabeth for this Friday’s post!

  1. Fall is finally here!! Other than a very intense passion for Christmas time, fall is my most favorite time of year! The leaves are changing, the weather is cooler and crisper and everything seems to come more alive. I missed fall so much last year when we lived in the perpetual summer of Florida, so I am even more grateful to be able to enjoy the glorious North Carolina fall.
  2. Old Salem in Downtown Winston
    Old Salem in Downtown Winston
  1. 7 years ago today, Josh and I started dating. After more than 6 months of pretending that I wasn’t head over heels for the sweet, smart guy, I did what many women still don’t dare to do—I asked him out. And the rest is history. While 7 years isn’t a lifetime, I can’t remember what it was like to not tell him everything, to not laugh with him (and at him), to not know what he’s thinking before he does, to not share a life with him. Josh, thank you so much for all that you’ve had to endure in the last 7 years and I promise you 7 times 70 more years of adventures, laughter, joy and incomparable love. Happy Anniversary!

    Junior Prom 2008
    Junior Prom 2008
  1. We have the pleasure of staying on the farm again this weekend! We loved staying there last spring and are excited to be there again. And this time we have pigs in addition to all the other animals! We’ll take lots of pictures and I can’t wait to share in any new adventures we might have this go around.

    Glaze wasn't thrilled about having her picture taken
    Blaze wasn’t thrilled about having her picture taken
  1. As a huge Shonda Rhimes fan, I am so glad that Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal are back! I have been missing my weekly dose of over the time drama with characters that I love. Last week I watched the premiere of How to Get Away with Murder and I’m interested to see where the story line goes. Shonda, you’re my hero! Scandal
  1. Along with the arrival of fall and the delicious fall weather we’re getting, comes one of my favorite parts of fall—the Dixie Classic Fair! There may be nothing more synonymous with the dawn of autumn than going to the fair. It’s something that I can remember doing every fall for as long as I can remember. Is there anything greater than the small of hot out of the grease fair food mixed with the sound of thrilled children’s screaming and some of the best people watching of the entire year? I think not!dixie classic


I hope you’ve got something lovely planned to enjoy the weather and to welcome fall! Have a wonderful weekend!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin