High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 4.4

Is a week really only 7 days long? I swear it’s really like 25 and everyone just goes around acting like its only 7 days. Over the weekend I drafted 5 posts for this week and because of my busy work schedule wasn’t able to edit and post them. BUT in a couple of weeks I think my workload will lighten and I should be able to post more regularly.

I’m linking up again this week for Five for Friday to end this week on a positive note.

  1. Once again I’m off today thanks to some long hours earlier in the week. The one nice thing about working 40 hours in 4 days is that Fridays can be used to get all the chores and errands done that would normally take up your weekend. So I’ll be spending the day doing laundry, getting my oil changed, and making sure I don’t have to do anything but sit on my butt all weekend if I want.
  1. Last Friday on my day off, I indulged in some online shopping. Most of what I ordered arrived and I had that wonderful sensation that only comes with loving what you bought online. Online shopping can be such a gamble, but my risk definitely paid off! Here’s just one of my amazing purchases.

    Cousin Couture Tan Temptation Wedges


  1. The reason I’ve been so busy at work recently is due to planning and preparing for my work’s 2nd annual American Girl Fashion Show fundraiser which takes place next weekend. Two weeks after I started my job my boss left due to some personal reasons, so now I am the only person in my department and I have been overwhelmingly busy with day-to-day work on top of planning this huge event. So why is this part of my Five for Friday? Because it all ends this coming week! Next weekend will be full of pink and purple glitter and tulle, 112 tiny fashion models and their mothers. Pray for me friends. Pray for me.
  1. Josh and I have continued our streak of going to the gym at least twice (sometimes 3 times) a week—we’re on week 5! This week I’m going to focus on trying to do shorter, higher intensity cardio instead of running the 5 miles I have been for the last couple of weeks. I’ll update you next week on what I hope is continued progress.
  1. And the most exciting thing about my week? Josh and I put an offer on a house yesterday!! We finally found a house that we both loved and decided to make an offer. We were both so nervous last night when we were working with our realtor to put the offer together, but now it’s in the sellers’ hands to come back with a counteroffer so we can work towards making the offer into a contract!

I hope y’all have had an amazing week and are looking forward to the weekend as much as I am. Enjoy the warm spring weather if you have it and if you don’t, just give us a month or so and we’ll be complaining about how hot and humid it is.

–Mrs. Dominico

For more Five for Friday check out The Small Things BlogLauren Elizabeth and The Good Life blog!

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday 3.28

Praise Jesus that it is once again Friday! I have been so incredibly busy at work that I haven’t even had the energy to come home and blog for the next day. I promise I’m trying to be better about regular posting. Really it’s pretty good therapy, so I’ve been missing out.

Once again I’m teaming up with a couple of other blogs for High Five for Friday. And after the week I’ve had, I’m glad to be ending on a high note.

They seriously love each other
They seriously love each other
  1. I worked so many hours this week, so I have today off! While working almost 40 hours in 4 days is not my favorite thing to do, having a day off to catch my breath and do some backlogged chores—and hopefully draft a few posts for next week, is pretty nice. And I get to spend the day with my furry little babies, Simon and Eloise.
  1. Josh took a business trip to Long Island this week and he was supposed to be gone Monday through Friday. Fortunately for me (unfortunately for his project) the part he was testing broke on Wednesday, so he came home early! 2014-03-26 13.34.40
  1. My sweet friend Sharon Bui, co-owner and creator of Frill, featured my blog post from Monday- 7 Tips for Wedding Guests, on Frill’s Facebook page! Frill makes the cutest sorority recruitment dresses and bridesmaids’ dresses!!
  1. I have run another 10 miles this week! Yes, I’ve returned to the gym twice this week to run 5 miles. I’m really proud of my progress so far and I’m hoping to pick up my pace and increase my distance. Screenshot 2014-03-28 09.47.30
  1. The weather looks like it’s finally warming up! While it looks like it’s going to rain this weekend, at lease there’s no chance of it freezing!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and are looking forward to the weekend and warmer weather!

For more Five for Friday check out The Small Things BlogLauren Elizabeth and The Good Life blog!

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday

To end this incredibly long (semi-crappy) week, I thought I’d go out on my top 5 moments of the week–High Five for Friday.

1. Yesterday was the first day of spring. Coming back to NC after living in Florida for 8 months, the winter weather was definitely a system shock—it does not take long for to adjust to Florida’s 70 degree-everyday weather. I’ve enjoyed my snow days, but spring could not come at a better time. We may have another snow, or two, left but for now I’m drinking in all the warm, sunny weather.

2. Josh was set to go on a business trip to Long Island, NY today through Wednesday, but there was a delay so his trip got pushed to Monday. Now he doesn’t have to spend the weekend alone in Long Island!

3. Josh and I joined the Y at the beginning of this month and yesterday I ran 5 miles. It may not seem much, but I come from a philosophical background where running is meant only to flee for one’s life so I was really proud of myself. I may end up regretting pushing myself so far since I’m not nor have I ever been a runner, but I’m looking forward to my next run.

4. This weekend I am going to be reunited with many of my sweet friends as we celebrate one of our sisters at her bridal shower. I haven’t seen many of these women since my wedding, so I can’t wait to see everyone and to wish Taylor a wonderful wedding!

5. In the two weeks of The Unfinished Mrs. the blog has had over 1200 views which is much more than I ever expected. I really appreciate you stopping by and I’m hoping to get into a routine of more regular posting as we move forward. Thank you so much for delving into newlywed life with me.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the spring weather while it lasts!

For more Five for Friday check out The Small Things BlogLauren Elizabeth and The Merry Mrs. Mobley

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin