Home and Decor · New Adventures

House Hunting Part 4

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Part 4: Under Contract

So Josh and I made an offer on THE house on a Friday morning. Around 2pm, Jason called to let us know that the owners had seen the offer, but they wanted to wait a day to respond to it. Apparently, they had another couple look at the house a couple weeks earlier who seemed interested and they wanted to see if THEY would make an offer.

I haven’t mentioned before that the sellers were selling their house on their own, without a realtor. A buyer doesn’t (normally) pay for their agent out of pocket, that money is paid by the seller at closing—the same is true for the seller’s agents, they take their commission from the price paid by the buyer which in turn leaves the seller with less money from the sale of their house. So not using a realtor can make sense for the seller.

We made a very strong offer on their house that, according to Jason, an agent would encourage a seller to respond to. Because our sellers weren’t working with an agent, they were just going off their best judgment and they of course wanted to get the most money out of their house that they could, so they wanted to wait and see if someone else would make an offer.

Josh and I were not interested in getting into a bidding war and we were a little miffed that they didn’t want to consider our strong offer right away, so we gave the sellers an ultimatum—they needed to respond to our offer by 6pm Friday night or it was off the table.  Within 2 minutes they responded with a counteroffer. They only came down 1% off their asking price, which was annoying but if they wanted to play hardball, so could we.

We came back with a new offer which was only 1% higher than our initial offer. While we waited for them to counteroffer again, Josh and I ran the numbers again and came up with our maximum price. We knew the house was worth their asking price, but of course we didn’t want to pay the asking price. This was the price that the sellers HAD to come down to or we were walking.

Guess what their counteroffer was? Yep, they hit the nail on the head with the price we were comfortable with and we conceded to their counteroffer, hoping this would show some good will when and if it came time to renegotiate if the inspection brought up any red flags. Friday at 6pm, they signed the offer and our offer became a contract!

On Monday everything kicked into high gear. We had 4 weeks to get the inspections, survey and appraisal done and get home owners’ insurance and get approved for our mortgage. Jason scheduled our inspections for later in the week and Josh and I started working on our mortgage application.*

*I could write a whole post on the mortgage application process, but it’s pretty tedious and boring. If you have questions or want a post on this topic, let me know and I’ll write it out for you.

The inspections went really well. There were no huge red flags, just some minor repairs that needed to be made, which we asked the buyers to take care of before closing and they agreed. The pest inspection and radon tests came out clean. If the inspections had uncovered something wrong with the house, we were prepared to ask the sellers to make repairs, come down on the selling price or ask them to cover part of our closing costs so we could have more cash on hand at closing to cover the cost of the repairs.

We picked the bank that offered us the lowest interest rate, private mortgage insurance, and closing cost combination and got busy giving the bank all the information they needed to approve us for the loan. The bank is also responsible for completing the appraisal—which is when the bank assesses the value of the home, because they will not give you a mortgage loan for an amount higher than the appraised value.

We had until May 5th at 5pm—the end of our Due Diligence Period—to decide we don’t want to buy the house for any reason. As it stands now, we don’t see any reason not to continue with buying the house, so May 5th will probably just come and go for us. Then all we have to do is wait to be approved for our mortgage loan and wait for May 15th so we can close!

Look out for Part 5: Closing—coming sometime after May 15th!

If you’re in the market for a house, recently bought a home, or want to own a house in the future—leave a comment and tell me about your experience or let me know if you have any questions!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Home and Decor · New Adventures

House Hunting Part 3

For other parts in the House Hunting Series–Part 1, Part 2, Part 4

Today I’m continuing with my House Hunting Series with:

Part 3: Finding Your House and Making an Offer

After seeing countless houses that didn’t wow us, Josh and I had become a little jaded when it came to house hunting. What was initially a fun “We’re grownups” experience had become an annoyance. We thought, “How hard is it to find a house that doesn’t look like it belongs on that That 70s Show??” and “Why was wood paneling such a big thing?” or “Why is there a secret room behind the master bedroom closet? I’m pretty sure this might be a crime scene.”

When we initially looked at the house online, it was out of the price range we came up with when we sat down and decided to buy a house, so we kept on searching. After weeks of duds, we went back and looked at houses we liked but weren’t in our price range. We decided to sit down and talk numbers again, and, after looking at our monthly budgets from last year, we discovered that we were low balling ourselves just a little. So we bumped up our price range and the house fell right into our search parameters. We asked Jason to make us an appointment to go see the house and off we went.

We walked into the house prepared for disappointment, but once we started touring through the house we found ourselves really loving it. There were no major upgrades needed that we could see. It hit all our wants— an updated kitchen, attached garage, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms, a nice sized lot, and some perks that we weren’t really expecting like a GORGEOUS sunroom overlooking the well-landscaped backyard. After almost an hour of going from room to room, opening cabinets and closets, touring the backyard and Josh dutifully checking out the attic, we walked into the foyer and told Jason “We think this is the house.”

We left in awe and with lots to think about as we decided on our next steps—that was a Wednesday. On Thursday, we decided we wanted that house and told Jason we were ready to make an offer. We met with him at 7:30pm Thursday night to write up the offer.

It was at this point, and not a minute before, that Jason asked us to sign a contract for him to be our agent—which immediately said yes to and signed right away. We talked about Jason being our exclusive agent representing only us, meaning that he could not represent a seller on a property we were interested in. Then we went through all the legal mumbo-jumbo that is associate with house buying. He talked us through the whole process.

  1. First we would make an offer—the sellers would probably counteroffer, then we might make a counteroffer until we were able to agree on a price. Once the price is agreed upon, the offer becomes a contract, which all parties sign and then the house is “Under Contract”. Next you enter a Due Diligence phase.
  2. Due Diligence is a specified period of time where the sellers agree to take the house off the market, while the buyers are able to have the house inspected, appraised, and work on getting their mortgage loan approved. Typically, the due diligence period lasts around 4 weeks and during that time the buyer can back out of the contract for any reason at all, while the seller MUST keep the house off the market.  As an incentive, the buyer offers the seller a Due Diligence fee which is a small cash payment of around $100-$300 that the seller keeps even if the buyer backs out. It’s also typical for the buyer to offer a “Good Faith” Earnest Money deposit. This money, normally a couple thousand dollars, is held by the buyer’s agent until closing.
  3. After the Due Diligence period has passed, the buyer can still back out, but they will lose the Due Diligence money and the Earnest Money, plus the money that was spent on the inspections and appraisal, so it’s a good idea to stick to the schedule and back out before the end of Due Diligence.
  4. Closing usually occurs an average of 45 days after the contract is signed, which gives the buyer time to get their mortgage and the seller time to pack up and move.

We took a look at the seller’s disclosure, which would have disclosed any serious issues with the house, such as leaks in the roof or a pest invasion—luckily there were none. Then we looked at what the sellers would be leaving behind—their refrigerator, which I loved and we didn’t already have. Finally, it was time for the offer.

Jason told us that most houses in our area ended up selling for around 97% of the asking price and that after doing some research, he found that our house was listed at a very reasonable price. Josh and I thought about numbers and Josh tossed out 94% of the asking price. He reasoned that if we could get them down to 3% by the area standards, we would start out at 6% down and be comfortable when they countered. Jason agreed and thought we had a solid, respectable offer. We decided what our Due Diligence money would be and what our Earnest money would be. And then we signed around 50 pages of legal documents before could send the offer over to the sellers.

At this point, the ball was in the seller’s court and we’d have to wait to see how the responded.

Be on the lookout for Part 4: Under Contract

If you’re in the market for a house, recently bought a home, or want to own a house in the future—leave a comment and tell me about your experience or let me know if you have any questions!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Home and Decor

House Hunting Part 1

For other parts in the House Hunting Series–Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Josh and I have been living with my parents for almost 3 months now. While that’s been great for us savings wise, it’s not exactly the ideal situation for a newly married couple to be in. We’ve been looking for a house since November and after 5 months of searching, we have found the house we want to buy! Yay!!!

Finding and buying a house is a huge undertaking and there are so many things you need to know before you find your house, make an offer, get a mortgage, and buy the house. Over a couple of blog posts, I’ll chronicle our journey towards home ownership and give you the look into the whole home buying process.

Part1: Narrowing Down Your Search

So you want to buy a house? Ok, where do you want to live? What’s your price range? What type of building do you want to buy—a townhome, single family, duplex, etc.? How many bedrooms? How many square feet? How many bathrooms? Do you want a garage? Do you want it attached or does it matter? What features are you looking for—updated kitchen, finished basement, his-and-her closets? What lot size are you looking for?

Those are just a few of the questions that you’ll need to answer before you find your house. Pinterest (here’s my Home board) is probably your best and worst friend when it comes to figuring out what you want in your house. You’ll definitely get some ideas on what your dream house would be, but remember to be realistic when you’re starting your search. This is basically what we were looking for-

Just Kidding…

I’ll start with what we were looking for when we started:

We wanted a single-family home on at least a quarter acre with an attached garage. We wanted at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I really wanted an updated kitchen, because I love to cook. Josh really wanted a bigger lot size, because we didn’t want to be living right on top of our neighbors. We wanted a house with at least 1750 square feet. We were flexible on things like a finished basement and bonus rooms.

We knew the elementary schools that we were interested in, which helped us narrow down the neighborhoods we would look in. Since we were from the area, we knew the landmarks that we wanted to be close to.

We knew how much we had saved and an estimate of what we thought we could save before buying a house, so we had a good idea of the price range we would start looking in.

So we began our search through realty websites like Zillow and Trulia. Through a series of filters we were able to input what we were looking for and where we were looking. We looked at well over 100 houses. We started favoriting houses that fell within our search with photos that looked appealing.

Zillow lets you draw your search area so you can include or exclude different areas
Zillow lets you draw your search area so you can include or exclude different areas

The next step was to go look at some of the houses we had favorite, which is where I’ll pick up with the next post.

If you’re in the market for a house, recently bought a home, or want to own a house in the future—leave a comment and tell me about your experience or let me know if you have any questions!

Be on the lookout for more blog posts about house hunting and buying your first home.

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 4.4

Is a week really only 7 days long? I swear it’s really like 25 and everyone just goes around acting like its only 7 days. Over the weekend I drafted 5 posts for this week and because of my busy work schedule wasn’t able to edit and post them. BUT in a couple of weeks I think my workload will lighten and I should be able to post more regularly.

I’m linking up again this week for Five for Friday to end this week on a positive note.

  1. Once again I’m off today thanks to some long hours earlier in the week. The one nice thing about working 40 hours in 4 days is that Fridays can be used to get all the chores and errands done that would normally take up your weekend. So I’ll be spending the day doing laundry, getting my oil changed, and making sure I don’t have to do anything but sit on my butt all weekend if I want.
  1. Last Friday on my day off, I indulged in some online shopping. Most of what I ordered arrived and I had that wonderful sensation that only comes with loving what you bought online. Online shopping can be such a gamble, but my risk definitely paid off! Here’s just one of my amazing purchases.

    Cousin Couture Tan Temptation Wedges


  1. The reason I’ve been so busy at work recently is due to planning and preparing for my work’s 2nd annual American Girl Fashion Show fundraiser which takes place next weekend. Two weeks after I started my job my boss left due to some personal reasons, so now I am the only person in my department and I have been overwhelmingly busy with day-to-day work on top of planning this huge event. So why is this part of my Five for Friday? Because it all ends this coming week! Next weekend will be full of pink and purple glitter and tulle, 112 tiny fashion models and their mothers. Pray for me friends. Pray for me.
  1. Josh and I have continued our streak of going to the gym at least twice (sometimes 3 times) a week—we’re on week 5! This week I’m going to focus on trying to do shorter, higher intensity cardio instead of running the 5 miles I have been for the last couple of weeks. I’ll update you next week on what I hope is continued progress.
  1. And the most exciting thing about my week? Josh and I put an offer on a house yesterday!! We finally found a house that we both loved and decided to make an offer. We were both so nervous last night when we were working with our realtor to put the offer together, but now it’s in the sellers’ hands to come back with a counteroffer so we can work towards making the offer into a contract!

I hope y’all have had an amazing week and are looking forward to the weekend as much as I am. Enjoy the warm spring weather if you have it and if you don’t, just give us a month or so and we’ll be complaining about how hot and humid it is.

–Mrs. Dominico

For more Five for Friday check out The Small Things BlogLauren Elizabeth and The Good Life blog!

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin