High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 10.17

Friday could not have come soon enough! I hope you’re gearing up for the weekend!

I’m linking up with The Grits Blog and Lauren Elizabeth for this Friday’s post!

  1. Earlier this week I wrote about my first Pure Barre experience and since then I’ve attended a few other classes and I have to say, I think I’m getting a little addicted. The classes are so challenging and after a particularly shaky class yesterday, I woke up this morning with very minimal soreness. Shaking muscles really are changing muscles.nice shaking
  1. I am so excited to be heading to Raleigh this afternoon to see my sorority sisters! It has been too long since I’ve made the trip and I can’t wait to see everyone. Being in a sorority was one of the most amazing experiences in my life, so tonight I’m pretending it’s senior year all over again—with less bar hopping, I hope.
  1. After agonizing for over a month (more on that later), I finally found a planner for 2015! It’s from May Designs and it is so cute! If you’re in the market for a small, easy to carry and cute planner, I’d definitely recommend one of theirs.
  1. Is anyone a fan of American Horror Story? Josh and I have been watching since Season 1 and we are obsessed! If you read my Irrational Fears post, then you know I have a fear of clowns. And if you’re watching this season of AHS then you know the “villain” is a very scary clown. I’ve had 2 nightmares since the season started, but I’m hooked!AHSFreakShowPoster
  1. As I type this, I’m watching my puppy try desperately not to fall asleep. I snapped a pic for you, but it was on my phone so sorry it’s not very clear. She is so cute! I love getting to spend every morning with her!IMG_4180

Well Penny is begging for her morning walk, so it’s time for me to head outside. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Wedding and Marriage

The Day I Said No

Two years ago today, Josh asked me to be is wife and I immediately said no. Well, let me back up.

It started like any other Tuesday morning, I was getting ready for my Bees and Beekeeping class when Josh called me. He asked if I wanted to come have breakfast with him, which was unusual because, at the time, I didn’t like to eat breakfast (I just couldn’t stomach anything bigger than a donut before 10 am). I told him no, that I was getting ready for class and that I had a test. I said goodbye and kept getting ready.

Josh called back and started to whine that he had gotten up early and made pancakes and bacon and eggs, and that he really wanted to do something nice this morning. I rolled my eyes, sighed and agreed to stop by before my class started.

This annoyed me because like most college students getting ready for class I was usually running late for class because let’s face it, it’s college and there are much more important things that college students need to do other than go to class. But I finished getting ready and headed to Josh’s apartment, grumbling all the way.

After parking my car, I started walking to Josh’s apartment when I started to really think about how strange it was for Josh to call me and say that he’d made breakfast. To my knowledge the only thing he could make was cereal and he actually had an early morning class (and Josh was not the kind of student to skip class). As I got to the door, it opened and there was Josh standing with Starbucks in his hand and it hit me what was happening.

I covered my face with my hands and started to cry. Josh tried to get me to look at him, but I refused so he started into his proposal. He said “I thought about planning this big proposal in front of all of our friends, but when I thought about what our relationship has been and what our lives will be like, I realized that it was just going to be you, me and coffee for the rest of our lives. I think I know the answer, but I have to ask ‘Rachel Lauren Ward, will you marry me?’”

While bawling and refusing to look at him, I said “No” because Josh likes to joke that I always say “no” to the things he wants to do. I found the courage to look up and into the eyes of the man I had fallen in love with over the last 5 years and couldn’t imagine a more perfect or natural thing in the entire world, than to spend the rest of my life falling further and further in love. I said yes and he pulled out the most beautiful ring in the world!

And that’s how he proposed. It was just him, me and coffee. I still have that coffee cup and I still can’t believe how lucky I am to call him my husband.

Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

High Five for Friday

Five for Friday 10.3

Happy Friday Everyone! I’m so excited to be back at blogging– I’ve missed you! I’m linking up with The Grits Blog and Lauren Elizabeth for this Friday’s post!

  1. Fall is finally here!! Other than a very intense passion for Christmas time, fall is my most favorite time of year! The leaves are changing, the weather is cooler and crisper and everything seems to come more alive. I missed fall so much last year when we lived in the perpetual summer of Florida, so I am even more grateful to be able to enjoy the glorious North Carolina fall.
  2. Old Salem in Downtown Winston
    Old Salem in Downtown Winston
  1. 7 years ago today, Josh and I started dating. After more than 6 months of pretending that I wasn’t head over heels for the sweet, smart guy, I did what many women still don’t dare to do—I asked him out. And the rest is history. While 7 years isn’t a lifetime, I can’t remember what it was like to not tell him everything, to not laugh with him (and at him), to not know what he’s thinking before he does, to not share a life with him. Josh, thank you so much for all that you’ve had to endure in the last 7 years and I promise you 7 times 70 more years of adventures, laughter, joy and incomparable love. Happy Anniversary!

    Junior Prom 2008
    Junior Prom 2008
  1. We have the pleasure of staying on the farm again this weekend! We loved staying there last spring and are excited to be there again. And this time we have pigs in addition to all the other animals! We’ll take lots of pictures and I can’t wait to share in any new adventures we might have this go around.

    Glaze wasn't thrilled about having her picture taken
    Blaze wasn’t thrilled about having her picture taken
  1. As a huge Shonda Rhimes fan, I am so glad that Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal are back! I have been missing my weekly dose of over the time drama with characters that I love. Last week I watched the premiere of How to Get Away with Murder and I’m interested to see where the story line goes. Shonda, you’re my hero! Scandal
  1. Along with the arrival of fall and the delicious fall weather we’re getting, comes one of my favorite parts of fall—the Dixie Classic Fair! There may be nothing more synonymous with the dawn of autumn than going to the fair. It’s something that I can remember doing every fall for as long as I can remember. Is there anything greater than the small of hot out of the grease fair food mixed with the sound of thrilled children’s screaming and some of the best people watching of the entire year? I think not!dixie classic


I hope you’ve got something lovely planned to enjoy the weather and to welcome fall! Have a wonderful weekend!

–Mrs. Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Wedding and Marriage

10 Things I Wish I Had Known About Living with a Man, Before I was Married

Josh and I dated for almost 6 years before we tied the knot last June. I was so thrilled about being Josh’s wife and moving into our own place together and doing the married thing that I never stopped to really think about what that meant. We were going to be living together in our own apartment by ourselves away from all our family and friends.

Here’s what I wish I’d known and what I’ve learned since then.

10 Things

  1. They will eat all the ice cream

It doesn’t matter how many gallons are on sale and stocked in your freezer, you will get one scoop and the rest will disappear into thin air and the several ice cream stained bowls that crowd the game machine have nothing to do with your husband eating it all after you go to bed at night.

  1. They don’t know how to clean sinks

They will shave their little faces in your shared sink and then not clean those weird beard hairs out of the sink or around the sink’s general area. It’s simply a task that is physically impossible for them. Fortunately some cats have been known to nap and spend time in sinks so the hair may eventually leave the sink and wind up on the floor.

  1. If they’re not listening to you, they’re probably playing a video game

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to seduce him or trying to tell him the roof is caving in—he’s not going to hear anything you say until his tank has blown up all the enemy tanks or captured the flag or whatever.

  1. They don’t know how to use a dishwasher

They’re intelligent enough to assume that the dishwasher’s function is to wash dishes, but the fact that the dishes have to be inside the dishwasher and not in the sink or stacked on the desk somehow eludes them.

  1. “In a minute” is no longer a standard measure of time

Probably due to reason #3, taking the garbage out, cleaning the dishes, scooping the litter box, coming to bed and any other number of chores will be met with this strange new time measurement scale which does not, in fact, mean 60 seconds after he responds. It could be any amount of time between right now and whenever you get around to asking again and the process may repeat itself until you threaten life and limb.

  1. They need space in the dresser and closet

They may only own 7 t-shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 10 polos, 6 pairs of dress pants, 3 pairs of shorts, and 8 undershirts but they will bring an entire drawer full of socks and underwear so they don’t have to do laundry for at least 2 weeks. And those items take up space, so you’ll have to squeeze your small collection of purses, shoes, scarves, blouses, sweaters, cardigans, jackets, coats, sun dresses, cocktail dresses, formal wear and your 75 t-shirts and 6 pairs of Norts into less drawers and less hanging space in the closet.

  1. Recipes, instruction manuals, directions, etc. don’t really need to be followed

Instructions are really just someone else’s way of telling them they’re less of a man if they can’t figure out how to make risotto or build a media center with over 200 separate parts on their own. At most it’s a brief overview of what they already know, meant only to be skimmed over and then immediately placed into the trash.

  1. The shingles virus can be stress induced

According to medical professionals, shingles can be induced by stress even at the age of 21. This stress can come from work, money problems, or an unhappy wife who would rather live anywhere else other than Florida and has been bottling those feelings up for the last several months. Who knew?

  1. “I’m fine” is a legitimate feeling that people actually have

Being “fine” is an actual emotion that most people feel meaning “I’m doing ok and there’s nothing in the world that bothers me”. It is not, in fact, what most women have been using for years to mean “I will scratch your eyes out if you come within grabbing distance.”

10.  Being subtle is a waste of time

Going along with #9, men do not get the beautiful subtly that women spend years mastering. If you want a Kate Spade purse for Christmas, you are wasting your time dropping hints about how nice it looks, or how it would complement everything in your wardrobe, or pinning it to the “Dream Closet” board of your Pinterest. If you really want that Kate Spade bag, your best bet is to drag him into the store, point to the bag, and say “That’s what you’re getting me for Christmas, now pull out the Amex.” You don’t really like surprises anyway.

Now that I’ve said all that-

10 things learned

  1. They will try really hard to cook something edible

Even though instructions are for pansies, they will try really hard to cook something delicious for you when you don’t feel like cooking or don’t feel well. Josh is the master of grilled cheese and pancakes at our house.

  1. They will attempt to fix every problem you have (even if you can fix it yourself)

It’s pretty endearing (even if it’s slightly annoying) that they will want to fix every problem you have. They love you and have this almost instinctual need to protect you and keep you happy, so the fact that they are willing to spend time strategizing how to “fix” all your problems is pretty nice.

  1. They’ll help you fold the laundry

If you ask nicely and all the tanks have been blown up, they make folding the laundry twice as fast.

  1. They can carry all the groceries into the house in one trip (so help them God)

You may have a trunk full of groceries, but you’ll only need to make one trip up the stairs or they can’t call themselves men.

  1. There’s someone else to clean the toilet

They may not know how to clean sinks or wash dishes, but putting some stuff inside the toilet and then swishing it around with a giant toothbrush thing is something they can handle well.

  1. They will finally let you dress them

Because you now have the power to throw away those heinous cargo shorts, they will be forced to let you pick out new shorts or wear jeans all summer.

  1. (On a good day) They will take the “Honey Do” list as a personal challenge to finish

10 things need to get done in the 2 hours you’ll be gone? Challenge accepted. It’s like a video game where you earn more than meaningless gold coins.

  1. They will eat the food you make that isn’t very good and they’ll love it

If left to their own devices, cereal and ham sandwiches would serve as breakfast, lunch and dinner, so anything hot that they didn’t have to make themselves will automatically be the best thing they’ve ever eaten.

  1. The bed will always be warm, even in the middle of winter

Men are like personal furnaces, so you don’t have to worry about frozen feet and frigid sheets anymore.

10. When you mentally and emotionally break down, there’s someone to help you pick up the pieces 

When you collapse in on yourself like a dying star because you’re stressed at work, the house is a mess, you forgot to defrost chicken for dinner, you decided you don’t look good with bangs, you broke a nail, and you live in Florida, there is someone to pick you up, tell you that you’re not a complete failure and they’ll remind you of how incredible you actually are– then promise to look for a way out of Florida and actually keep that promise.

I hope this sheds some light on what it’s like to live with a man for any of you single women who are thinking about moving in with a man or actually marrying one. It’s really not all that bad, as long as you remind them to shower.

–Mrs. Dominico

I’m a little late, but I’m linking up with Erica Jacquline for Listed Tuesdays!

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Wedding and Marriage

From Ms. to Mrs.



I have always dreamed about being a Mrs. Most little girls dream of being Mrs. Teen Heartthrob or will doodle in their notebooks about being Mrs. Whoever-They-Have-a-Crush-On or Mrs. What’s-His-Name-They’re-Dating. When you’re in college (especially in a sorority) you start to consider what your monogram will look like as you decide whether you’re going to get serious with a boy (just kidding…ish).

And when Josh and I started dating, it was no different. I dreamed about being Mrs. Josh Dominico. I practiced my signature, perused various monogram scripts to find the perfect one to highlight my initials, and I practiced introducing myself as Rachel Dominico.

When we got engaged, I had no hesitations as I began to transition to being Rachel Dominico. When I thought about changing my name all I felt was thrilled that I was finally going to be Mrs. Dominico. I even created a new Gmail account with my new name and began using that full time.

Before we got married, I started a job and I had to fill out all the legal paperwork as Rachel Ward. When I inquired about how to change my name once we were married, a mere 2 weeks later, I found that the process was pretty complicated. Not only would I have to complete several pages of paperwork and trek all over campus for the proper signatures, but they would have to alter my work email address which, apparently, took several weeks. So after talking with Josh, I just decided that at work I would stay Rachel Ward.

We got married and then I started looking into changing my name. First we had to wait for our marriage license to be mailed to us. Then I needed to go to the Social Security Office to apply for a new Social Security Card to change my name. Then I would have to wait another 3 weeks for that to be mailed to me. Then I would need to go to the DMV to get my license changed. Once all that was done, I then needed to change my name on all other important things, such as bank accounts, insurance, and my passport.  All that just so I could have the pleasure of legally signing my name as Rachel Dominico.

Well my job was a strict 8am-5pm job that I had to be at every single day and there was very little room to take time off during the day to go to the Social Security Office and the DMV. I tried 2 or 3 times to go during my lunch break, but I never could get seen. Months went by and I was offered a new job at the end of September and decided I would give myself time between quitting my old job and starting my new job.

So finally during the first week of October, I went to change my name. After waiting for hours in government buildings surrounded by the most interesting characters, I was legally Rachel Ward Dominico. And it felt really weird.

During my months of trying to change my name, I found myself less and less determined to do so. I was thrilled to be Mrs. Dominico and thrilled to be Josh’s wife, but the idea of casting aside the name that had carried me through since birth seemed really sad.

I had been Rachel Lauren Ward my entire life. It felt like giving up my identity, like I was becoming someone else. And when you get married you do, in a sense, become someone new. But I didn’t feel like I could just abandon Rachel Ward—she was someone I was really proud to be. It seems so strange to me even now that after years of wanting to be a Mrs., I was reluctant to let go of the Ms.

Eventually I realized that my name has nothing to do with who I am. My identity is my own regardless of what people call me. But I did have the opportunity to recreate myself with my new name, so I made some goals for my “new” identity that I’m working to keep them. And I dropped my middle name and kept my maiden name to become Rachel Ward Dominico. I can still be Rachel Ward while I’m Mrs. Dominico and I’m determined to make her someone I can be proud of.

–Mrs. Rachel Ward Dominico

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Wedding and Marriage

Arguing for a Healthy Relationship

Josh and I

Josh and I rarely fight. The last thing we fought about was living in Florida and the reason we got into the fight in the first place was because I stopped being honest with him.

So we don’t often fight, but we do argue almost every day and I think that’s a good thing.

I know many young women who claim to never fight or argue with their partner. In my opinion, they’re either lying or their relationship is in trouble.

Now don’t misunderstand me, I think “fighting” and “arguing” are two different things with very important differences.

Fighting is the result of two partners being dishonest with or disrespectful of one another. Arguing is acknowledging that you are two separate people trying to sort through those differences by being honest. Arguing can become fighting when one or both partners becomes disrespectful of the other or when they let their differences come between them.

Josh and I argue because we’re different. We think about things differently and we have different opinions about things.

Example: We argue about how to prepare meals. I am a super control freak when it comes to cooking and I like things done in a very particular way. If I want Josh to help me cook, I have to get over the fact that Josh is going to do things differently. Sometimes I can handle it and he does it his way. Sometimes I can’t and he gets out of the kitchen. We don’t fight, I just compromise my expectations. Either I get help and he cooks his way, or I get no help and get to do everything my way.

It’s not about being right or winning; it’s about honestly communicating our wants and needs and trying to make those compatible with the others’ wants and needs. It’s about compromising on the things that don’t really matter and sticking to our guns about the things that do.

Couples who don’t argue aren’t being honest with each other. If you’re in a relationship with someone, you have things in common but you won’t have everything in common. You won’t like every movie that your partner does. You won’t have the same holiday traditions as your partner. You won’t like all the same foods, all the same bands, all the same everything.

Some things won’t matter to you—like what movie to watch or where to eat dinner. But some things will and if you don’t communicate those things to your partner, you’re not being honest. And the more you compromise those important things, the more you will grow to resent your partner. In comes the fighting.

When we stop arguing, when we stop vocalizing our differing wants and needs, we are being dishonest with our partner and the resentment we feel about having to compromise ourselves can cause us to be disrespectful to our partner. We shout, we call each other names, we lose that connection that brought us together in the first place.

Honesty and open communication are two of the most important things to a healthy and happy relationship, so don’t be afraid to argue. It’s ok to have different opinions and it’s important to work through those, even if it means agreeing to disagree. Just keep in mind that the differences between you and your partner are just as important as those similarities.

–Mrs. Dominico

Obviously I’m not a relationship expert, these are just my opinions. If you are looking for more information on arguing in relationships, see the links below:

Psychology Today, Huffington Post, The Today Show

Remember to like The Unfinished Mrs on Facebook, follow on Twitter and on Bloglovin

Wedding and Marriage

Why Getting Married Wasn’t Important to Me

I always dreamed about getting married. Planning my wedding and fantasizing about walking down the aisle to the man of my dreams started around age 3 when I was Bridal Barbie for Halloween. My wedding was going to be perfect.

Josh and I met in high school and began dating our junior year. At the age of 16 I fell in love with the boy who God made me for. How lucky is that?

Junior Prom 2008
Junior Prom 2008

Throughout college we talked about getting married. We talked about our wedding, what it would be like to have our own home, to live our lives together and what marriage was going to be like. Ok, so I talked mostly, but Josh listened and threw in comments when I came up for air.  We were excited about the prospect of getting married and being married.state

It was finally time for me to make all my hopes and dreams for my wedding come true. And then I realized that I didn’t really care.  There were things I gave a great deal of thought—my vows, my bridesmaids, the cake, and the wedding songs were a few.

3 flavors, 5 layers, and I still wanted more.
3 flavors, 5 layers, and I still wanted more.

I was so disinterested in most of the details of our wedding that my mother often asked if I was sure I even wanted to get married. When you plan a wedding there are literally a million different choices to make and details to sort out. The venue, the wedding party, the dress, the bridesmaids’ dresses, the tuxes, the flowers, the food, the cake, the colors, the linens, the music, the songs, the guest list, the favors, the photographer, the registries and I’m telling you it goes on. I have several books on the subject.

Throughout the wedding planning process, I generally didn’t have a very strong opinion about anything (other than the food). This drove my mother insane.

There were two reasons I wasn’t into the wedding planning and seemingly into the wedding:

1-     My mother is the master planner. I had a Sweet 16 party that she threw for me and it was AMAZING. Everything about it was fabulous and just a precursor to what she was really capable of. I didn’t need to worry about the flower arrangements or the linens; because, I knew whatever she chose would be elegant and timeless. Not that I didn’t (try to) help her when she needed decisions made or that I didn’t have opinions on things, but I didn’t really need to be overly concerned with how it would turn out because I knew she had it.

2-     I didn’t care about the wedding, because I was more concerned with and more excited for my marriage. My marriage was so much more important to me, in fact, that I would have skipped the whole wedding entirely if it wouldn’t have upset a large number of people.

My marriage to Josh was my number one priority and meant more to me than the perfect dress or whether we should serve dessert in addition to the wedding cake or if wedding cake would serve as a perfectly fine dessert on its own (Kill me). Josh is my best friend and I truly believe with my whole heart that he is the other half of my soul. Becoming his wife is the most gratifying and wonderful experience of my life so far.


For most girls, planning our wedding is something we dream about from a very early age and with today’s fixation on the perfect wedding thanks to all those TLC shows, it can be so easy to get caught up in the madness of what, in reality, is just one day in our lives. It’s possible to forget what the whole thing is really about. Marriage is a public, legal, and Holy commitment to another person and is a huge decision that shouldn’t be made lightly. It shouldn’t be overshadowed even if you get to wear a fancy dress and throw a huge party in your honor.

Our wedding was beyond beautiful and everything I ever dreamed it would be, but more importantly the same is true for my marriage.

So when you’re planning your wedding remember that it lasts a single day and will be over before you know it, but your marriage is going to last the rest of your life. Give it the attention it deserves.

–Mrs. Dominico