
Why We Left Florida


I’m sure many of you have wondered why Josh and I moved back to North Carolina after only living in Florida for 7 months. The answer is simple: We just weren’t happy.

Josh was offered his job in Florida in September and was given two weeks to accept or decline. Two weeks to decide to accept a really good job offer, guaranteeing him a full-time job after graduation; or, two weeks to decide to decline a really good job offer and pray another one would come around before he graduated in December. With today’s job market, what would you do?

Josh asked, even begged for my opinion in helping him decide what to do. I wanted Josh to make this decision alone—it was his job and the future of his career at stake. So, I made the decision to keep what my heart was telling me from Josh. I did not want to move to Florida, but I knew that this job would be good for his career and the future of our family.

I got a job at Florida Institute of Technology and HATED IT. Let me repeat, I HATED IT. It was seriously the worst job I could ever imagine doing. Clearly, this did not make living 10 hours away from my friends and family any easier. I was frustrated with my job, worried about money, trying to be the wife I wanted to be and the wife Josh deserved, and I was unbearably lonely. I missed college, I missed my family, and I missed feeling like I was home.

I was depressed and not even being married to my best friend could make me feel better for more than a few hours at a time. I tried my best for the first couple of months to grin and bear it, but as hard as I tried to ignore my happiness I just couldn’t.

I thought that if I could find a new job that I liked, my whole outlook would change. When I got the job at the zoo in September, I thought I would start to feel different. For a few weeks I did feel better and felt like I had a purpose. That was short lived.

As I’ve stated before I’m very Type A, so when even the slightest thing went wrong I would become explosive and moody. I resented him for bringing us to Florida, for my terrible job, and my general unhappiness. I stopped communicating my wants and needs to Josh. I stopped talking to him about how I left. We stopped arguing about what we both wanted, and so we started fighting.

After one particular argument escalated into a full blown fight, I finally really let him know how I felt. Turns out Josh wasn’t exactly blind to how I felt and wasn’t thrilled about his job situation either. So Josh started to look for a new job in North Carolina.

A week before Thanksgiving, Josh interviewed for and was offered a job in Clemmons, NC which would bring us back to our hometown. Once again Josh had a decision to make. I still wanted Josh to make the decision about his career on his own, but after putting him through months of hell after keeping my mouth shut, I decided I would give Josh some help this time.

We made a list of pros and cons about moving back home, and it was clear that moving back to Winston was what we both wanted. So Josh accepted the job and we prepared to move. On January 14th, the movers came to pack our stuff and take it away. On January 15th, 7 months after getting married, we moved back home.

The moment the plane landed in NC, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. Moving home was easily the second best decision we’ve made as a married couple, the first being adopting Simon and Eloise. We are both so much happier to be home than we ever were in Florida. Seriously, there’s just no place like home.

–Mrs. Dominico

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