High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday

To end this incredibly long (semi-crappy) week, I thought I’d go out on my top 5 moments of the week–High Five for Friday.

1. Yesterday was the first day of spring. Coming back to NC after living in Florida for 8 months, the winter weather was definitely a system shock—it does not take long for to adjust to Florida’s 70 degree-everyday weather. I’ve enjoyed my snow days, but spring could not come at a better time. We may have another snow, or two, left but for now I’m drinking in all the warm, sunny weather.

2. Josh was set to go on a business trip to Long Island, NY today through Wednesday, but there was a delay so his trip got pushed to Monday. Now he doesn’t have to spend the weekend alone in Long Island!

3. Josh and I joined the Y at the beginning of this month and yesterday I ran 5 miles. It may not seem much, but I come from a philosophical background where running is meant only to flee for one’s life so I was really proud of myself. I may end up regretting pushing myself so far since I’m not nor have I ever been a runner, but I’m looking forward to my next run.

4. This weekend I am going to be reunited with many of my sweet friends as we celebrate one of our sisters at her bridal shower. I haven’t seen many of these women since my wedding, so I can’t wait to see everyone and to wish Taylor a wonderful wedding!

5. In the two weeks of The Unfinished Mrs. the blog has had over 1200 views which is much more than I ever expected. I really appreciate you stopping by and I’m hoping to get into a routine of more regular posting as we move forward. Thank you so much for delving into newlywed life with me.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the spring weather while it lasts!

For more Five for Friday check out The Small Things BlogLauren Elizabeth and The Merry Mrs. Mobley

–Mrs. Dominico

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